Category Archives: Eco-Artists

Living Mermaid as Ocean Activist

Hannah Fraser is a professional mermaid, who is a model and an ocean activist. Her underwater work with talented cinematographers is absolutely breathtaking. It is amazing to see her dancing alongside beautiful ocean animals, and to hear the descriptions of their interactions.


'One of the first animal encounters I ever had underwater was with a manta ray. I was swimming upside down underneath its huge wingspan, blowing bubbles up onto its belly, which it seemed to love,' Hannah said


Another project she is a part of is equally moving, but is shocking and emotional. Be prepared to be amazed and disturbed. You can really see her ‘activist’ side showing up in this project… In Hannah’s words, “Through connection with these magnificent beings in their own habitat, we learn to appreciate them more and inspire others to do the same.”  Thanks for the reminder.

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Andy Goldsworthy- Rivers and Tides

A 2003 documentary
“Portrait of Andy Goldsworthy, an artist whose specialty is ephemeral sculptures made from elements of nature.”



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