DIY Eco-Art Projects



I walked by this tree on the corner of Lakewood and Hastings for several years.
It sits alone, behind a fence, with tall cement walls surrounding it.
I always sentimentally imagined how lonely this tree probably was, cut off from other trees.
I also wondered if anyone else ever noticed it there….
So I brought it upon myself to use recycled cardboard and twice to give it a face!
People always notice faces first.
So, why not that fact use that creatively, with a bit of humour, to bring attention to this tree!?!
I believe that at this point, any way we can find to connect with the more-than-human world
in a way that does not harm it is valuable and important.
Re-enchanting or re-animated this world doesn’t have to a serious or painful process.
It doesn’t even have to take very much time.
Since this mini-installation, the face has long dissolved and come apart at the seams,
but now I come face to face with the tree every day, and smile.


Recycled cardboard, paint, sharpies, wire, string


Green Tea

Studies show that Green Tea has some real health benefits.
Well, this “green” tea does too! Plants clean the air for you!


Plants: They’re good for you!

“Plants are not just decorative, they can also clean and purify the air in our homes, and act as anti-pollutants. Houseplants can reduce components of indoor air pollution, even volatile organic compounds such as benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene. Plants also reduce airborne microbes and increase humidity. Some indoor plants are more effective than others, so this article is dedicated to these magical house-cleaning air purifiers for your home and/or work place. Also included are illustrations of each of the miracle plants, as well as basic plant care. Researchers from NASA and other organizations recommend at least 15-18 good-sized plants for a house or apartment of 1800 square feet or 167 square meters.

Chlorophytum comosum (Spider Plant)

Spider plant is a popular and commonly used house plant.
It grows from a central rosette and produces new shoots, branched stolons with small white flowers, as well as baby plantlets.

Plant care: Very easy, thrives under nearly any conditions. The plant will even survive being neglected at times.



I decided to recycle this chipped teapot as a vessel to grow Tradescantia pallida alongside some spider plant buds.


Green Perfume


Most perfumes out there in the capitalist market-lace make me feel like I am choking. I have a sensitivity to the chemicals in most artificial perfumes, I really don’t understand the appeal at all, especially when they are used to cover up an even worse smell. I must assume that the people who wear perfume and cologne have a disabled and desensitized sense of smell, or they would never tolerate such assaults on their senses. There is nothing sweeter to my nose than the fresh scent of clean air, free of synthetic chemicals.


I received a small collection of old, used miniature perfume bottles from the 1970s. They were filled with stinky old perfume from brands such as Dior, Givenchy etc., which I dumped out. But the bottles themselves were so adorable, I held onto them for years until I realized what I had to do. I had to make some green perfume and wearable live art.  My spider plant was reproducing like mad, and so I decided to see if I could grow some of them in these little bottles, helping to propagate the spider plant, and then possibly even wear the bottles with a big of wire around them, like living, wearable art! Not only would it increase the quality of air immediately beneath my nose, but it looked really neat to me too. In the end, a few of the bottles turned out not to be suitable for growing these plants, but a month later, most of the spider plants I started out are still doing just fine! The bottles act as a kind of bonsai container for the plants. Please try this at home, and water frequently!




Green Tea

Playing with your food is okay if you don’t waste anything and eat if afterwards!


Natural Materials Mandala
from the Spirit Fish Festival 2011 in Burnaby, BC

This Mandala, which means “circle” was created almost entirely of all natural materials and found objects that were within 100ft from the center point.

There are eight willow trees that were transplanted around the circle, and hopefully they will make a new home here.

This mandala was created in the spirit of meditative art, and its focus was in part to create a sacred space through meditative action.The intention is to draw attention the the wonders of this ecosystem and the beauty and versatility of the natural materials that surround us, and may seem very plain at first glance, like dead brown leaves.

The mandala welcomes people emerging from the Skytrain, in all its’ metallic, fast and noisy glory, to Still Creek, a muddy, marshy watershed where you are invited to adjust your eyes, slow down, breathe, and greet the many birds, animals, plants and insects who have made homes here.

The mandala is a reminder to be surprised by the beauty in the everyday.

The beginning…

The middle…

The end?


Forever Flower


Chalk Graffiti



Labyrinth 2013

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